Volcano Chasers – 2 seasons
Volcano Chasers – 2 seasons
Vincent and Bertrand, cousins from Clermont Ferrand in Auvergne, an important center of volcanic activity in Europe, invite us to join them on the ascent of some of the world’s fieriest and most forbidding volcanoes, against a backdrop of tales of adventure, history, science and ancestral beliefs. We discover the most beautiful and fascinating volcanoes on the planet, with awe-inspiring and humbling testimony to the power of nature.
Directors :
Bertrand Homassel, Vincent Cheville
Writers :
Bertrand Homassel, Vincent Cheville
Distribution :
Voyage, RMC, Lagardère Entertainment Rights
Co-production :
MC4, 40ème Rugissant
Length :
10x52’ (2 saisons)
Year :
© photos Bertrand Homassel - MC4
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